An excessive heat watch for Antigua and Barbuda comes into effect 9am Thursday for one week.
The ‘feels like’ temperature could be as high as 38°C or 100°F, forecasters warn.
“Light winds and relatively high humidity will possibly allow for the heat index to rise to excessive levels resulting in dangerously hot conditions,” Dale Destin, Director of the Antigua and Barbuda Meteorological Services, said.
“While extreme heat can put everyone at risk for heat illnesses, health risks are greatest for the elderly, young children, lactating mothers, people with chronic illnesses such as breathing difficulties, heart conditions or psychiatric illnesses, people who work or who exercise in the heat, homeless people and low-income earners.”
He said heat illnesses like heatstroke, exhaustion, fainting, cramps, rash and edema (swelling caused by fluid trapped in the body’s tissues) are preventable, but can lead to long-term health problems and even death.
“Everyone should stay alert and take precautions, stay cool and hydrated. Check on vulnerable family members, friends and neighbours,” Destin added. “Those who take medication or have a health condition should ask their doctor if it increases their health risk in the heat and follow their recommendation.”