Don Quioxte has a twin

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We are all familiar with the tale of Don Quixote. His adventures are chronicled in one of the earliest literary classics entitled, THE INGENIOUS GENTLEMAN DON QUIXOTE OF LA MANCHA, by Miguel de Cervantes. In it, a man named Don Quioxte reads so many chivalric stories that he loses his mind and decides to become a knight errant (a travelling knight), to bring back the noble notion of chivalry, and to serve his nation. Quixote is highly delusional, and fancies himself on a knightly mission to make the world safe for knights in shining armour, such as himself.

Of course, if you recall, Quioxte decides to attack what he sees as evil giants, but are actually windmills, and there ensues a series of comedic events with him thrusting his spear at the windmills’ sails. Quioxte’s delusions of grandeur gave rise to the popular expression ‘tilting (jousting) at windmills’ to denote exercises in futility against imaginary enemies. According to Wikipedia, “The phrase is sometimes used to describe either confrontations where adversaries are incorrectly perceived, or courses of action that are based on misinterpreted or misapplied heroic, romantic, or idealistic justifications. It may also connote an inopportune, unfounded, and vain effort against adversaries, real or imagined.”

Fast-forward four hundred-plus years to the here and now, and seems, we have our very own Don Quioxte in the righteous person of the Sheriff of Public Persecutions – the pillar of probity. Our crime-fighting crusader is dedicated to hunting down bad** hombres, and chasing all evildoers out of Dodge City. Hear ye, hear ye! All miscreants and assorted reprobates, there’s a paragon of virtue in town, and he will make sure that all scoundrels are brought before the judgment bar.

Aren’t we so very fortunate here in Antigua and Barbuda to have “A Daniel, a Daniel come for justice?” [Shakespeare, MERCHANT OF VENICE]. We can rest easy because that wicked trio involved in those “high crimes and misdemeanors” with three old buses will be put on trial, yet a third time. Talk about persecution! Never mind the thieves, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, drug dealers, signature forgers, and assorted predators who are running around wily-nily in our fair State, the trio must be called to account. After all, if they are not retried, then ours will become a lawless society. Go get ‘em, Mr Eliot Ness! Hang ‘em high, Sheriff Clint Eastwood! You cannot abide wrongdoing, never mind what the eminent Justice had to say when he declared that the trio had no case to answer. Seems, you will ensure that “Justice will run down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream.” Good grief! The ingenious gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, would be so very proud of our very own Sheriff of Public Persecutions of Santa Maria de La Antigua, what with his twisted thinking, his misplaced priorities.

Of course, in the wake of this past Monday’s acquittal of another in a high place, he of sartorial pretensions and foppery, many people are asking if our crime–fighting crusader will also appeal that verdict. After all, is he not on a righteous quest? Never mind that seems he will only make a move against someone if he hears the familiar dog-whistle from he of the highest place?

Hark! But soft! ‘Tis that not the sound of a dog-whistle in response to “Woof, woof, woof,” the pathetic call for guidance from the Sheriff?Nay, ‘tis not! He of a high place has said that the recently exonerated official will retake his lofty position in the administration. Sigh! No dog-whistling in the media on this case from he of the highest place, so the good Sheriff will certainly not retry it. In the minds of many, the good Sheriff takes his cue from the political directorate. Schoolchildren suggest that he sees what he wants to see, on the “advice and consent” of those in high places. Think, selective harassment and prosecution!

It reminds us of the Mighty Sparrow’s GOOD CITIZEN: “When does someone really become a good citizen? / I’d like to know for sure /Why when the ordinary man disagrees with the establishment they call it treason? / Why should they persecute a brother for seeking black power? /  Don’t they know a blind man could see that this is blatant hypocrisy /  The real traitors and dem are all high in society / Yet the government protecting all ah dem and penalising you and me / [CHORUS] And in a million different ways they violate the law / It’s the same good, no good bastards who oppress the poor / They selling black market, making excess profit, paying a starvation salary / These good citizens are the architects of economic slavery / They say you have the right to criticise but then you are victimised / And without any reason / Many-a-time you find yourself politically paralysed  / By that same good citizen / Yet these fakes and phonies enjoy a long life of luxury / While they spread corruption throughout the country / When they should be arrested / They’re protected and respected in the society. . . .” Sigh! The good Sheriff knows nothing of the aforementioned types of misdeeds, but he knows a helluva lot about a two-bit bus case.

Don Quioxte de La Mancha is nodding in approval at the Sheriff of Public Persecutions on Santa Maria de La Antigua.

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