Convict sentenced to 20 years for 2009 murder

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Eight years after he murdered Steve Reynolds Mingo in an attempted robbery at the victim’s Gray’s Hill home, Trevor “Jojo” Boston was sentenced to 20 years in prison for his crime.
Boston, 28, who was remanded at Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP) four days after the fatal shooting on February 21, 2009, would have the served the equivalent to 12 prison years, and this will be deducted from his sentence.
The New Winthorpes man is to be released from prison by 2022.
The convicted murderer pleaded guilty to shooting Mingo three times through the heart and body that resulted in a mass abdominal bleeding. Boston earlier apologised to the victim’s family.
After Justice Keith Thom delivered his sentence, the accused nodded to his brother and other relatives who had been in the court throughout his trial and few sentencing delays.
Defence attorney Sherfield Bowen argued that his client’s constitutional rights were violated because he was not tried in a reasonable time. He further asked the High Court to consider UK sentencing guidelines where people committing murders at age 18-20, the starting point should be 15 years.
However, Director of Public Prosecutions Anthony Armstrong countered that the offence was grave and no credit should be given for the constitutional violation. In the end the judge gave a discount of three years to Boston who was 20 years old when he committed the offence.
(More in today’s Daily Observer)

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