Committal date set for man accused of attempting to murder coworker

Youseff Dion Mc Dougal at the St John’s Magistrates’ Court yesterday.
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By Latrishka Thomas

[email protected]

A 30-year-old man charged with attempting to murder his coworker, made his first appearance in the St John’s Magistrates’ Court yesterday.

Youseff Dion Mc Dougal of Villa was charged in connection with the stabbing of Shaquille Joseph, who has been listed in critical condition at Mount St John’s Medical Centre (MSJMC).

Joseph, of Tindale Road, received stabbed multiple wounds about his body last Thursday, the most serious of which was to his chest, reportedly near his heart.

The victim, who turned 24 years old on Saturday, was also said to have been wounded in his back and diaphragm.

Based on reports, the wounds were allegedly inflicted during an altercation in the Golden Grove area while both men were on the job.

Joseph and Mc Dougal are both employees of the National Solid Waste Management Authority.

Yesterday, Magistrate Conliffe Clarke set July 21 as the date for his committal hearing.

On that day he will find out if there is enough evidence against him to have the matter sent up to the High Court where Mc Dougal will have to answer to the charge against him.

The defendant indicated to the court that he has secured Wendel Robinson as his attorney. However, Robinson was not present since he reportedly had to appear before the Court of Appeal.

The prosecution also disclosed that the victim remains on life support and should he meet his demise, the charge would have to be upgraded to murder.

Since the magistrate does not have the jurisdiction to grant bail for such an offence, Robinson would have to apply to the High Court for bail.

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