Children welcome the gift of books

Hands Across the Sea Executive Director Amanda Sherlip reads to students (Photo contributed)
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Students at two schools are benefitting from the gift of books as a result of a partnership between Hands Across the Sea and CIBC FirstCaribbean, established four years ago to support libraries across the OECS.

Presentations were made on February 1 to the All Saints Secondary School and the Christian Union Junior Academy.

Speaking at the presentation at All Saints Secondary School, Executive Director of Hands Across the Sea Amanda Sherlip noted that the FirstCaribbean International ComTrust Foundation has so far donated US$110,000 to this worthwhile project across the region.

“In Antigua alone, 103 library projects, from pre-schools through to secondary schools and community groups, have benefitted. We believe it is important to purchase and donate new, relevant, interesting and culturally responsive books. We are committed to buying new books because motivational reasons to read keep changing,” Sherlip said.

The bank’s Country Head, Ladesa James-Williams, who is also a published author, encouraged the students to read every day.

“It is my commitment to reading every day that has contributed largely to my personal success that moved me from a humble little country girl to a mature bank manager. So read, read, read and increase your knowledge,” she said.

Hands Across the Sea aims to improve children’s literacy in the Eastern Caribbean through school and community library programmes. It works with preschools, primary and secondary schools, rejuvenating and stocking their libraries with captivating new books.

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