Cashew Hill man fined 25K for firearm and ammunition

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Christopher Hope of Cashew Hill was fined $25,000 for unlawful possession of a firearm and ammunition in the All Saints Magistrate’s Court.

The 39-year-old appeared before Magistrate Ngaio Emmanuel on Monday charged with possession of one .380 Pistol, and 10 matching rounds of ammunition.

He was convicted and fined $15,000 for the firearm and $1,000 for each round of ammunition.

He was given 6 months to pay the fine for the firearm or serve 15 months, and 9 months to pay the fine for the ammunition or serve 1 year at His Majesty’s Prison.

Police officers attached to the Coolidge Police Station were carrying out investigations into a report made against the Cashew Hill resident and found him in possession of the illegal weapon at Jabberwock Beach on Saturday.

He was arrested and taken into custody.

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