Government workers will, indeed, be paid this Friday as previously indicated on Prime Minister Gaston Browne’s Facebook page.
Our newsroom this morning cited Cabinet notes dated, 11th December as indicating,“that salaries and wages will begin to be paid on Monday, 16 December 2019, or at least one week prior to Christmas.”
This notation was an error said Cabinet recording secretary, Lionel Hurst: “The government of Antigua and Barbuda will begin paying salaries and wages as of this coming Friday rather than on Monday as the notes indicate.”
Cabinet spokesman, Information Minister Melford Nicolas indicated that, “the reason that it will be important for the salaries to be paid tomorrow rather than on Monday is so that… it would be nice… if persons had money to take advantage of the reduction ABST over the weekend.”
The Inland Revenue Department (IRD) announced that the ABST reduction period will start on Friday and end on Sunday – 3 days.
Prime Minister Browne’s post cautioned government workers to, “exercise prudence with their spending since the next pay day will be January 31, 2020.”