Board Of Education Claims $320M Spent Since Education Levy Introduction

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The Board of Education says it has now spent over 320 million dollars since Education Levy was introduced over 22-years-ago.
About a third of that or nearly 110 million went on scholarships.
One hundred and thirty-eight persons got new board of education scholarships in 2016 with over 3,500 given out since 1994.
Over 65 million dollars went on school books, over 40 million on capital projects and 29 million on school general maintenance.
Twenty-one million was spent on school supplies, 15 million dollars on ministry of education curriculum support and 15 million dollars on school equipment and equipment maintenance.
Finally 12 million was spent on the Antigua State College, almost nine million on school furniture and 2 million dollars on CXC.
Meanwhile a survey conducted by the Antigua and Barbuda National Accreditation Board (ABNAB) of 52 colleges in April 2016 revealed the cost of tertiary education.
The survey included 7 colleges from Antigua and Barbuda, 5 from the Caribbean region, 8 from the United Kingdom (UK), 5 from Canada, and 27 from the United States of America (USA).
The cost of education of a four-year degree in local colleges ranged from $5,000 to $268,000, the regional colleges from $40,000 to $302,000, the UK colleges from $63,000 to $135,000, and the US colleges from $27,000 to $430,000.

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