Barbuda Council workers who do not return to the sister isle will be removed from payroll

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Barbuda Council workers who fail to return to the sister island to do their part in the rebuilding process will be removed from the payroll after a certain period.
Trevor Walker, member of parliament for Barbuda made his position clear Wednesday morning when the council met on the sister island to select members who will sit on the various committees.
The Council resolved that as of July 1, workers who remain in Antigua will not be paid by the Barbuda Council.
“The Barbuda Council office in Antigua is closed so there is no reason for anyone to try to stay over there and work.
The Barbuda Council cannot continue to operate the way it has been operating – paying people in Antigua who do not want to come back here to do nothing,” Walker warned.
He also went a bit further to declare that the revenue from the sand mining industry which currently subsidises Dove Cove operations in Antigua will shortly be discontinued.
The Barbudan MP said he made the discovery recently after he made inquiries for months as to how the revenues made from sand mining are being spent. Sand mining has resumed on Barbuda despite repeated complaints from environmentalists.
“Why should our sand money be used to pay Dove Cove’s bill when Council workers are not being paid. As soon as this Council is set up we are going to take a decision immediately to stop it and people have to tell us who gave them the authority to send that money to Dove Cove,” Walker stated.
The meeting was streamed live on Facebook via the Barbuda Channel which is operated by Clifton Francois.
Councillors in attendance were also informed that the operation of the Council was reduced to five committees due to financial constraints, as well as the membership on those committees.
Walker also revealed that allowances that were recently approved by the Antigua Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) will be reviewed by the new council.
(More in today’s Daily Observer)

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