Bahamas to host Inter-American meeting of Ministers of Education

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NASSAU, Bahamas, Jan. 5, CMC – Issues related to regional developments and challenges in the field of Education will be discussed at the upcoming meeting of Ministers of Education to be held here.
The Ninth Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education (9IAMME) will be held February 9-10 at Atlantis Resort, Paradise Island.
The Ministers will also chart the way forward for the 34 representatives of the Organization of Americas States (OAS), and observer states, during the ministerial forum.
Conference Chairman, the Jerome K. Fitzgerald, who is also The Bahamas’ Minister of Education, Science and Technology, on Wednesday highlighted the purpose of the 9IAMME stating, “Ministers of Education from the OAS will assemble in The Bahamas to discuss the Education Agenda of the 34 member countries and by extension the Latin American and Caribbean region.”
The meeting is jointly organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the OAS, the Inter-American Council for Integral Development and the Inter-American Committee on Education. In addition to Education Ministers, local and international senior education officials, school administrators and teachers are expected to attend the conference.
According to the Education Minister, The Bahamas has made significant progress in education, “The Bahamas has been at the helm of the global education discussion. We have made significant strides in education and have garnered international attention.”
Organizers are excited that for the first time in the meeting’s history, a Trade Exhibition will be showcased which will feature innovative educational products from approximately 20 local and international exhibitors who will also display good practices in education.
The theme for 9IAMME is An Inter-American Education Agenda: Building Alliances Towards Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

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