Antiguan student wins opportunity to be Canadian High Commissioner for a day

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An Antiguan student at the University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill Campus performed in the top position in the Canadian High Commission in Barbados, for one day.
Nineteen-year-old law student Rose-Mary Reynolds became the Canadian High Commissioner on Wednesday, along with Christopher Brathwaite from Barbados.
Political and Public Affairs Officer at the Canadian High Commission, Jessica Mackie, said that Reynolds did “extremely well” on the job. Mackie also gave details about the tasks that Reynolds was given to perform that day.
“The day began at the High Commission of Canada with an all Staff Town Hall meeting, followed by a one-on-one courtesy call with Barbados Minister of Foreign Affairs, Senator the Honourable Maxine McClean and a session with the Youth Parliament,” Mackie said.
“Lunch was hosted by US Ambassador Linda Taglialatela, with afternoon meetings at UN Women and the University of the West Indies. This incredible day concluded with a formal dinner, hosted by High Commissioner Marie Legault at her official residence with senior leaders in the community.”
Wednesday also marked the observance of International Women’s Day with the theme #BeBoldForChange. Reynolds told OBSERVER media that this was among the best observances of the occasion that she has had.
“It was honestly a really good experience, opportunity and probably one of the best International Women’s Day I have ever had. The Canadian High Commission in Barbados really went all out in terms of ensuring that we had a really holistic and productive day.”
Reynolds said that this experience gave her more insight into her interest in feminism.
She said, “We were able to learn more about the fight for women’s equality and that is something that I am really passionate about, so learning more about what we can do as students and as young leaders in our community left me feeling encouraged.”
Reynolds, who was one of Antigua & Barbuda’s five Island Scholars last year, entered the “Be High Commissioner for a Day” competition held by the Commission in February. The contestants were asked to submit a video entry answering the question: “How can YOU champion Women’s Equality in the Caribbean.”
The competition will be open again next year. To keep up-to-date with news and other important events, follow the High Commission of Canada in Barbados’ Facebook page.

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