Accused ‘fake’ pharmacist charged, remanded

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Christina Francine Miller, a young woman who allegedly forged documents with the hope of being registered as a pharmacist in Antigua Barbuda, has been remanded to prison.

She is due back in court on April 16, a date set by Chief Magistrate Joanne Walsh who dealt with the case after the 29-year-old Cassada Gardens woman was charged.

Miller is accused of “Forgery of a Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Pharmacy Degree” and “Uttering of a Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Pharmacy Degree knowing same to be forged with intent to defraud.”

It is alleged she committed the offences between November 1 and 30, 2018.

Miller, who recently returned to Antigua and Barbuda from Boston, also has two charges of “Forgery of a College Bound High School Diploma and Uttering of a College Bound High School Diploma knowing same to be forged with intent to defraud.”

Similarly, those offences were allegedly committed last November.

Miller’s alleged crimes were uncovered when officials from the Antigua and Barbuda Pharmacy Council sought to verify the authenticity of the documents she provided to support her claim that she was qualified to be registered as a pharmacist.

Last month, the president of the council, Algernon Roberts, told OBSERVER media that it is the council’s duty to ensure the safety of all citizens, especially where their health is concerned.

 “The Pharmacy Council has an obligation to protect public health. Anyone who thinks that they can just hand over documents to use and endanger public health, we are telling them that we will hand over their documents to the police,” he said.

Roberts noted that for someone to practice as a pharmacist in Antigua and Barbuda, the necessary registration forms with specific requirements must be completed.

 “They have to submit proof that they have been to a university recognised by the Pharmacy Council. We must be able to validate that the university exists,” he explained.

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